Just to clarify, there are now 7 recognised types of sexuality, covering a very wide spectrum;
Heterosexuality- Is the sexual attraction between members of the opposite sexes such as man attracts to woman and woman attracts to man sexually.
Homosexuality- is the sexual attraction between members of the same sexes such as man to man and woman to woman.sexually.
Bisexuality- Is the sexual attraction to both the opposite and same sexes such as man to man and man to woman, woman to woman and woman to man.
Asexuality- Is also known as nonsexuality which is the lack of sexual attraction and sexual interest towards others.
Polysexuality- Is the sexual attraction to more than one gender but do not wish to be known as bisexual as it implies that their are only two binary sexes, do not confuse this with pansexuality (Pan meaning All) and (Poly meaning many).
Pansexuality- Is the sexual attraction towards people regardless of gender also known as omnisexuality, some pansexuals refer to themselves as gender blind as to them gender is insignificant in determining whether they will be sexually attracted to others.
Transexualism - Is when a person identifies themselves with a physical sex that is different to their own biological one, A medical diagnosis can be made if a person experiences discomfort as a result of a desire to be a member of the opposite sex. for example a person may be born male, and is uncomfortable with their gender as a male and changes to a female, or a female may change to a male. It is a long process that they will go through and an expensive one too.
There is so much pressure at the moment within society to know what sexuality you are, and to assign it a label, and the truth of the matter, is that some people simply aren't ready to explore their sexuality.
No two people are the same, they never will be, they will not think the same, feel the same, they will not be the same, so why is everybody expected to like the same people and act the same way?
It is a common misconception that people who are not heterosexual have a choice about their sexuality, and choose to like the same gender as themselves or deviate from the social norm in an apparent bid for attention or to appear individual.
If a heterosexual man were to be asked when they decided that they like women, then they would generally answer slightly confused with answers like "I just did" "It's nature", why is any other sexuality different?
Whoever one person likes or does not like, they are still a human being, they are still a person, everybody has different likes, dislikes, feelings and emotions, but just because one person's feelings differs from yours does not make them any more or less valid.
Emotions and feelings are what make us human, they are part of our make up, who's right is it to say to one group of people you cannot feel this way about another person?
It's not breaking the law, it's not pedophilia, it's not illegal, it's just one human being feeling an attraction to another, nobody is hurt, no more than an average relationship.
Society has formed a hierarchy because we have allowed it to do so, and with this formed different members of society, those who perceive themselves as high on the social scale see themselves fit to make judgments upon other members of society. If a person is genuinely determined to form an opinion on another person then they should not voice them and cause a person to feel like their views and feelings make them any less of a person than anybody else, being gay, or being any sexuality does not make you any different to any other person, more or less superior.
A person can choose what they do, and how they behave, but not how they feel, and people need to remember that, a gay man may choose to have sex with a woman, but he cannot help but feel attracted to other men. People claim to choose to be straight, but generally this is because they perceive being heterosexual as an accepted norm and consider themselves as having a choice.
Feeling attracted to somebody is emotions, you cannot blame somebody for their emotions, you wouldn't tell somebody they have no right to feel sad, or happy, or angry.
People with anger issues have no choice about feeling angry, however they make choices regarding their behavior, a person can feel however they want to feel, nobody has the right to judge them for it.
Today we live in a society where everything is wrong, whatever you do you are being constantly judged by different areas within society, you can't do right for doing wrong nowadays.
Society is so diverse with such a wide spectrum of views and opinions that even if you please the majority there will still be people who don't agree with your feelings, behaviors, mannerisms, there is always somebody who thinks they know right.
As we develop as a culture, freedom of speech is encouraged and opinions are advocated, however appropriateness and mindfulness has not yet been entirely mastered among all, people need to start speaking up, because most of the time, ignorant comments are made simply through lack of education about the topic.
At the end of the day, gay, straight, bisexual, transgender, we are all equal human, we all feel, we all hurt, and we all love who we love, not one person has a right to judge whether you love a man or a woman, and hopefully over time society won't use the blanket term of acceptance as PC homophobic action, maybe one day society will just accept us for who we are, not what we are.
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