
Thursday, 10 July 2014

What Am I?

I like making it clear, that a girl is all mine,
Showing off how proud I am, 'cus my, she's looking fine,
Wrap your arms around her, pull her in real right,
Gazing at the stars, lit only by moonlight,
Pondering existence, the universe and asking what they see,
The beauty of the sky, and where will us be,
In fifty years, when the stars lose their glow,
When the universe is dying, where will our lives go,
Holding someone close, their breath ignites my fire,
Endless lazy pj days, of which I'll never tire,
Watching the glorious sunset, waving bye another day,
All these precious moments, voice more than words can say.

Wednesday, 22 January 2014

Tit for tat.

Members of society today are so judgmental, they stereotype absolutely everybody and are full of misconceptions about people by how they look.
Tattoos are a very common factor when it comes down to judging people, and a lot of individuals perceive tattoos to be a warning sign to steer clear from an individual.
Men are especially judged by their tattoos and often parents tend to tell their children to avoid these members of society, and it's quite common for them to cross the road.
Realistically though, a tattoo is just some ink on somebodies skin, it does not mean that they are a danger to your children or even you, it simply means it is another form of them expressing themselves.

This photo is a prime example of stereotyping, this man has suffered from ridicule, avoidance, judgments muttered under breath and all of it simply because he has tattoos.
Please get a grip society, is this really what is comes down to, some ink on skin, no longer do we can about a persons behavior or personality.
You might be avoiding this man and keeping your children away from him, but next week or even next year, this evil tattoo'd man might in fact be the consultant doctor that saves your little princesses life.

Are these really the people that you need to be protecting your children from?
The people who openly have some ink on them, the people that are expressing their stories, or the hidden away pedophiles, the secretive neighbor next door you never see, the trusted family friend who you would trust with your life, it's the people you don't worry about that often surprise you, they can be emotionally, sexually, physically abusing your children and still you won't open your eyes, still you make all these judgement about people without knowing a thing about them, you need to start looking closer to home at the people you do know about, they're the real threat. 

Ridiculously women are often judged on their tattoos and people often assume that they are either gay or promiscuous, in regards to sexuality, this is an absolutely ridiculous assumption as unless a tattoo literally states "I kiss women" then there is absolutely nothing whatsoever to suggest that they do, and even if a tattoo were to say that it could even be an ironic joke.
Sexuality is not defined by how you look, what you dress like, what you wear, or even whether you are inked, it is solely based upon emotions, feelings and sexual attraction.
Furthermore the assumptions regarding a woman's exclusivity can most definitely not be related to tattoos whatsoever, quite often if a woman has got a lot of tattoos, in order to photograph them all at once then there may include underwear shots yes, but how does this differ from the average underwear shots of models?

Is this really the issue though, is it the tattoos?

This lady has got a very large amount of tattoo's, however on the website which it was sourced from, she speaks openly about how she receives a large amount of verbal abuse saying that she is unattractive and makes tattoo's look awful. Perhaps this style of tattoo is not one of your preference, however how can you say that she is unattractive when you can't even see her face.
Her body is a real body, she has a waist, hips, curves, pert buttocks and defined legs, is that or is that not the same as other tattoo models?

This model however, receives a lot of abuse regarding claims that she must be "a slut", and other variations to describe her incredibly apparent promiscuity, however let me back-track slightly and consider the fact that more ink apparently means more sexual activity. Would that not mean the above photo was suggesting more promiscuity than the photo to the right?
They both show equal proportions of the body, one showing buttocks, one partial breast, however the bottom photo has less ink?

It can only lead to the conclusion that there is more to these judgement, that it isn't the ink which causes people to jump to conclusions, perhaps it's something different, something the below photo must posses that the one above doesn't.

If a photo of a man with a gun were to mean people jumped to the conclusions they were mass murderers, and even mass murdering psychopaths with intent to kill your family and lead others astray for the more creative stereotypers then perhaps it would make more sense.

Sadly, this is not the case, just because there is a photo of a woman in her underwear, does not mean that they are a threat, a slut, or intent upon stealing your husband, maybe it means they are proud of their body, has that ever occurred to you? 
Unless the photo has them literally inserting unanimous objects into their vagina then I'm very certain there is nothing to suggest that they are at all promiscuous.

What these photo suggests is something far different, an entire new can of worms, it suggests that they are comfortable in their own skin, and comfortable with their bodies, and at least if they aren't then they are trying to be.

This is the threat to modern day society, they are intimidated by confident, independent women, and it's judgments like this which lead society to feel so bad about themselves and have such low self esteem, if you feel good about yourself, then there are always people there to pick faults with you, to push you down until you're on the same level as them and what you once felt good about, is now what concerns you most.

It always boils down to the juvenile philosophy, degrading others to make yourself feel better, we have developed our society so that we make everybody feel bad about themselves, to try to make ourselves better. 
But of course to open our eyes and admit this would be to admit a fault, which as a society we cannot do, we must only pick faults with others, and keep up pretenses that we are perfect. So we ignore the fact we are secretly trying to put others down, we hide it under the cover of "ink prejudices", we try to segregate groups of society which stand out, and perhaps even display some confidence, we do whatever it takes.

We live in a selfish world, one where we pretend to have other people in mind and consideration, when really, we only do it to make ourselves look better.

Confidence is beautiful, ink is beautiful, we all have our own ways of expressing beauty and ways to make ourselves feel better, some are selfish, some appear selfless, but we cannot hide the fact that we live in a society where you break, or be broken down, just to be moulded into what we see as perfection.

We live in a society where nothing is beautiful, yet so is everything, we live in a world where everybody is hearing, but not one of us is listening.

Tuesday, 21 January 2014

"I'm Fine"

Schools are the place young people find themselves, where they explore who they are, boyfriends, girlfriends, blue hair, green hair, they explore themselves and try to make the tough journey of discovering who they are and what life is about.

A journey tough enough without added pressures of mental illness.
There is so much pressure on young people at the moment, the government are trying to boost league tables and increase GCSE results, teenagers are being forced to stay in education until they're 18, the focus is entirely on education and grades. But where's the focus on well-being?
There's plenty of emphasis on the values of physical education at school and how schools need to implement mandatory sessions (2+) of P.E per week, agreeable yes, it is important for the body to be kept healthy, but is that all?

There's so much highlighting of healthy eating and cutting out chips and other "junk" within menu's at schools, there is an incredible focus upon this, importantly so, however there is not anything focusing on mental health.

What actually constitutes health? Because there can be a student who absolutely excels at sports, is brilliant at basketball, tennis, hurdles, the whole hog, but maybe, just maybe, she could be suffering from mental health problems.
Many schools overlook mental health because it is something that they can't see, if a student were to start crying because they had fallen over and hurt their ankle they would be sent to a medical room so that somebody could look at it, because they can see it.
 If another student were to start crying because they were suffering mentally, a lot of teacher perceive that to be either attention seeking or nonsense, again, a lot not all, and therefore can be sent to return to lessons, which is absolutely ludicrous as they are probably suffering just as much as any other Tom, Dick and Harry.

So many children are suffering, and nothing is being done to help them, suicide is the biggest killer of 15-25 year olds, in 2013 alone 1600 young people died from suicide. Why is this statistic not making anybody do anything? This statistic is shocking.
When there are shootings and 20/30 people die, the country is stunned into silence, however 1600 people is 80 times that, what will it take to force people to open their eyes?
If 1600 people were gathered in the same place, and miraculously something caused them all to die, there would be complete outcry, the nation would be driven wild, these are people, not just a statistic.

Teenage years are a tough battle as it stands for the average teen, without the inclusion of mental health problems too, so many young people's struggling goes un-noticed and further they go without help.
Self harm is a very taboo subject which a lot of schools tend to avoid, unless you come forward and ask for help, there's none offered, and little to no education on it whatsoever.
Self harm is an incredibly embarrassing problem for many young people, some use it as a coping method which will last for a minuscule amount of time, others use it and it can stay with them forever, and for some it can develop into life threatening self injuring. What the majority of society seem unable to deduce is that self harm is not for attention, a large proportion of people choose to keep it a secret, but what can seem a harmless coping strategy can be a very dangerous slippery slope to get onto.
Common methods include cutting arms with sharp objects, and often people can find they don't get the same "buzz" the same "release" they can start to cut deeper, and not know their bodies limits, how much they can withstand it and sometimes unfortunately young people can end up cutting themselves too deep, they might not have intended to commit suicide, but they equally might not have realized how deep they were going, or what was where in their bodies.
This is why children need to be equipped with the warning signs to spot it, it could be their best friend, their brother, sister, or even themselves one day, they need to know the dangers of it, the reasons behind it, the myths, the facts, they need to know how to spot it and what to do if somebody starts to do it.
There are so many common misconceptions about eating disorders, bipolar, depression, anxiety and many more disorders that need to be addressed, so many people think that mental illness is a choice, it is something to be ashamed of, but it's far from it.
Young people need to have workshops implemented into their curriculum in PSHE, parents need to realise instead of trying to oppose this, they should be helping children to learn about mental health because if it affects them, then they need to know it's OK, that they're not alone, people certainly don't think they're attention seeking and that they need to ask for help.

The issue with mental health is that you can't see it, mental health problems can be incredibly difficult to notice, and often with secretive disorders such as Anorexia, Bulimia, Bipolar and Self Injuring the individual can have been so used to concealing their problems that spotting them can be very difficult, almost impossible.

Which is exactly why there needs to more done to let young people know that they aren't alone, and provide them with the knowledge to identify the warning signs among themselves and friends, and further educate them on the importance of seeking help, the procedures, and identify the myths from the facts regarding other people's opinions.

When their child is ill, parents move heaven and earth to ensure that they're comfortable, have all the cough medicine they need, and generally ensure that they're OK, they constantly ask questions to check this.
This shows that they don't want them to suffer, especially in silence, they try to find out what is wrong, so why should mental health be any different?

They wouldn't want their children to grow up thinking if they fell over and hurt themselves then they could not tell anybody, in fact, the idea sounds immensely obvious and almost laughable.
If somebody is suffering, why would you want them to do so in silence?
So why is mental health any different?

Workshops where young people anonymously submitted their fears and worries and then the tutor randomly pulled one out of a bag to discuss as a class would be beyond useful, it would gratify the person who actually wrote it, whilst providing a blanket of anonymity. They would have the opportunity to hear the class' view on it, and understand that perhaps they would not have gotten the negative response they originally thought, and also it would help the class to see that people do suffer in silence, worries are real, and perhaps they need to be mindful. Further, those who were unsure how to answer, would be equipped with the knowledge to deal with the scenarios, and of course as written by the class, perhaps a few added in by the tutor, they would be real life situations.

Of course there is the added bonus of improving speaking and listening skills, as well as developing problem solving, all of which are a positive asset to the children and valuable skills which they will carry throughout their lives.

No child should suffer in silence, you wouldn't expect them to walk around for 12 months on a broken leg and try to suffer the pain and anguish alone without any help, mental health is no different, there needs to be change and schools are where is starts.

We need to make a difference, we need to educate people, society needs to change, so open your eyes and end the suffering now, before people end it for themselves.

Thursday, 16 January 2014

Lesbians - Who's the man in the relationship?

With people accepting civil partnerships and homosexuality have also come some very naive questions and views on the roles within female relationships.
I know from past experience and have heard people questioning who is "the man" in a lesbian relationship, people don't usually mean anything by it, and i do genuinely believe that a large proportion of the time, it is honest belief that there is a woman in the relationship who has undertaken the role of "a man".
However in actual fact there is nothing less likely than one taking on the role of a man, putting aside the concept of pan sexuality, when a woman is with another woman, they don't tend to consider them as manly, maybe butch yes, but they don't consider them as having a penis, they enjoy sex with them, as a woman, and often the thought of having sex with a man is a turn off, and definitely not what they are interested in.
Why would a lesbian woman be in a relationship with a man? Equally, why would a straight man be in a relationship with another man? 
If you're attracted to a woman, you imagine her, consider her, and think of her as a woman, stop trying to change what people are, who they are, and label them. 

So what actually constitutes being a man in the relationship?
I differentiate between genders physically in regards to the fact that i consider a female to have breasts, curves, a vagina and to be generally feminine, obviously there is a very wide spectrum where gender is concerned; i.e. transsexualism, cross-dressing, however most males do not have these qualities, therefore they are very different physically. 
Also, we have been conditioned through society to be very different and conduct ourselves very differently as genders, the gap between genders is a lot smaller than it used to be, however there are still very clear differences between the ways in which they are expected to behave.
We are conditioned so that males as expected to act more masculine, butch, protective, aggression is also accepted when controlled, they are seen as hunters and providers, whereas females are seen as dainty, vulnerable, in need of protection and feminine, basically the opposite to males.
It is said that within our human nature to adopt one of two roles, in friendships, relationships, families, and every aspect of social interaction, we either adopt a role as a person who helps other people, a problem solver, we tend to ignore our own problems and solve others, in relationships these people generally tend to be seen as the "man" in the relationship, because they look after the other person in the relationship.
(This isn't to say that everything is one sided whatsoever, it's simply within our nature to adopt a role, it's part of the dynamics of relationships).
The other role tends to be seen as the "woman" in the relationship, they are generally the one who allows the other person to take care of them, more so than visa versa, and quite often they are open with any issues that they have,  whereas the opposing role may be reluctant to do so.

Not everybody fits into these roles to a T, however they are general categories which balance out relationships very often, a lot of relationships do fit into these very narrow categories, however not all do, so where does that lead the conclusions?

Well, if every reluctant problem solver was considered "the woman" then a heterosexual relationship could actually contain two  women?
Nope, i thought not, the heterosexual woman would probably be offended at the concept of being in a relationship with another woman?

So why is it any different to a homosexual relationship containing a man?
It isn't.

Maybe some members of society just have the approach to leave it, and that's wrong, they shouldn't have to,

Society, believe it or not, homosexuality is just as natural and right as heterosexuality, there doesn't need to be a male in a lesbian relationship, a female in a gay relationship, all that matters is that people are happy; you only get one opportunity to live life, why does it matter who people spend it with?
Every relationship is different, and therefore the dynamics are different, we as people each react differently to different situations, with different people, what might work for one lesbian relationship, may not work for another; 
stop giving everybody labels, we are what we are, gay, straight, lesbian, we are people, and we love who we love.

Beauty in the media.

The media is highly influential on society today, it shapes the views that people have on how they should look, act and feel.
It's natural as you're growing up to feel insecure and for your confidence to waver regarding your looks, naturally you grow up looking to the media and the men and women on the front of magazines as role models.
We look at all these magazine covers and see all these perfect, airbrushed women with not a lump or bump in the wrong place, perfect hair, perfect skin, and we are left feeling bad about how we look, how we can't ever measure up to them, and then we are left feeling inadequate and downright ugly.

This photo is a prime example of airbrushing and twisting of the media. The photo of the woman on the left has been manipulated an incredible amount, but why?
She looks  absolutely beautiful in the photo which has not been airbrushed, what is the point in trying to fix something which doesn't need fixing.

Come on, get a grip, it's giving the youth impressionable people of today an unrealistic view of what women actually look like, even if you're a size 6, if you pull that back-twisting pose then I'm sorry sweet cheeks, but that is how the female body sits.
This contributes to triggering people with eating disorder, giving people the impression that this sort of body is achievable, this is not how the body is supposed to look, airbrushed to cover everything, instead of spending so much money and time changing real women to look how they're not, the media needs to embrace women, embrace how they are.

Instead of spending so much money on campaigns to "find the new you", society needs to start campaigning to show women that they are how they are, love themselves, they don't need to lose weight to fit in with societies messed up idealizations of perfection, if anything, people should only lose weight for their health.

Women are beautiful, whether they are "boyish" "curvy" "apple" "pear" "skinny", these are all just words for beautiful, you don't have to have pert or big breasts to be a women, some people are naturally small framed, but equally, you don't have to be slim and slender to avoid the labelling of "fat" and "lazy".

Seriously, society really is truly blind, what would be so wrong with printing photos of natural women, they really are beautiful, they are real, and that is what the women of today want to see, they want to see real women, ones that they can relate to, and ones that aren't airbrushed to the point they look like a lollipop.

There are women in society who we perceive to be real, who we can identify with, and whom we respect for standing up and saying "yeah, maybe I do have a fuller figure, and what?".
One of these is Kim Kardashian, she is very pretty, has a relatively good sense of style, the majority of the time, and a lot of people look up to her, but society really can't handle that can they?

I don't know about you, but i can see absolutely nothing wrong with the photo on the left, i'm pretty sure if she was walking along on the beach she would turn quite a few heads.
At the end of the day, all it comes down to, is selling, if a magazine shows an airbrushed itsy bitsy perfect woman on the front cover, and in big bold print there's a caption from an article promising you this brilliant body which basically means you will therefore have a perfect life, perfect boyfriend, perfect brains, perfect friends, you will perfect and everybody will want you; then people are generally going to read it. They're going to buy the magazine, they're going to read the article, probably try the months worth of extortionate shakes at £80 a pop, lose 5 pounds, realise how miserable it is, never try that fad diet again, get drawn in by another magazine, another diet, another perfect, but of course 100% unattainable, beach perfect body, and repeat the cycle again.
Who cares? It's how economy works today, print to sell.
Who even cares what's printed, as long as it brings in readers and money, they don't really care about the readers, but need to pretend to, because at the end of the day, readers mean money.

We have all been given such tainted role models since we were very young, the favorite being Barbie, but if you look at the photo to the right, you can see how the average woman looks in comparison to the proportions of Barbie. If a woman were to have those proportions she would look so bizarre, she would most definitely not look like the average woman that you see walking down the street, yet from the age of 2 when you receive your first Barbie doll, we see all of the women of today as fat, they are fat, imperfect and abnormal, when really, Barbie is not normal.

The media is run by society, and it has a duty of society, stop making everybody feel so bad about themselves, get rid of all these fake women, real women, that is exactly what real people want to see.

Tuesday, 14 January 2014

Youth of today

"They have no conversation, don't listen and refuse to take an interest in anyone else"
Quoted by popular newspaper the telegraph, there is an article trying to understand just why is it that the youth of today are the way they are, their ill manners, foul language, apparent lack of social skills, and why they are all such "bad eggs".

Really Telegraph? I honestly thought better of you.
Surprisingly these youths that are being blamed for all of societies faults might actually account for some of your readers, an odd concept considering you call yourselves a form of media targeting intellectual members of society.
That seems like a very naive and narrow minded perspective to have on a whole section of society.

Ever heard of the term scapegoat? Because that is exactly what the youth of today are, with an expanding society comes increasing diversity and susceptibility to blame, nowadays everything you do is wrong to somebody, there is always somebody who doesn't agree with it, so today we just tend to shrug it off.
Whatever we do, we're wrong, so why pay any attention, right?

Wrong. - As a group young people are so accepting of the fact they are blamed for everything, but maybe it's the reluctance to stand up and say "Hey, you know what, we aren't that bad", that lands us with a stained reputation we can't seem to disperse.

Society is more diverse and open minded, but with this freedom times also change, there was a time when any faults within society were to be "corrected" and "fixed", some appropriately, and others not.
People would try to fix foul language among society, but with this compulsion to "fix" came attempts to fix homosexuality, and controversial freedoms of speech. There was no balance.

Now society, unfortunately, has gone the other way, we no longer live in a world where actions speak louder than words, we live in a land of promises, judgments, stereotyping and ultimately, one big blame game.
People see bad things happening in this world, and instead of stepping in and trying to help or solve the problems, we just sit back, watch, and make our judgments, blaming whoever will sit and take it.

"If i spoke to my parents like that, then i would have gotten a slap"
Many people see "old school" parenting as a way to solve all problems (apparently caused be youth), but if youth really are the problem, and parenting is the answer, then surely the wrong parenting could equally be the cause.

No? Course not, didn't think so.
I had forgotten that all older generations are superior.

Stereotyping comes with great stigma and we all take pride is claiming not to do it at all, however we each do it, every single day.

Just because one drunk might urinate in public and act socially inappropriate, what is there to actually say that another one approaching you in the street is likely to do so?
Absolutely nothing, we are all that says they will, and what do we know?

There have been riots recently, which have involved young people, the riots were in response to hiking university fees (how dare people want an education to contribute to society), and directly affected a lot of young people.
Firstly, in addressing riots, there were groups of young people protesting quietly, peacefully, however the less friendly rioters, tainted to entire protesting and lead to the stereotyping of all young people there.
Then again, this does tend to happen with most protests, they were simply jumping on the bandwagon.
Secondly, young people were protesting, because the cause was directly affecting them, it's unlikely that for a cause affecting young people the protests will be full of 80 year old retired pensioners, as it simply does not affect them, not to the same degree as least.

If the government were to suddenly increase tax for the average 30 year old by 300% then if there were protests, which there definitely would be, it's very likely that among the individuals involved, the majority would in fact be 30 year old working class people. It's simply how it works, society is selfish, if it doesn't affect us, we don't care, or at least that's what goes for the majority.

Nobody is perfect, society is far from perfect, and there are some vile young people, people that I, and many other young people i know am ashamed to be connected, compared and considered the same as.

When we are in groups, it's a common assumption that we are up to no good, however i can certainly say that when I am with my friends and see an old lady coming towards us, I will immediately pause the conversation and move the side so she can pass through us easily.
No, that doesn't mean we are trying to block you in, corner you, rob you, or steal any of your things, it simply means I am trying to be helpful.

There is good and there is bad in any group in society, but if every groups were to be scrutinized and stereotyped like youth, then we would all end up fearing everybody, hating everybody, and ultimately blaming everybody.

When you get on a bus and see me, you should not see me as somebody to avoid, or as a lesser member of society than you, I am the same as every man, woman, child on that bus, and I will continue to be until i die.

This is the generation that holds the future leaders, kings and queens, doctors, lifesaving surgeons, and people who in 40 years will be considered well respected, and might one day save your life.
You are the ones that brought us up, taught us all that we do, and have been our role models, we don't blame you, but if you continue to question us, we could start questioning you.

When did you choose to be gay?

I always hear questions being thrown around regarding sexuality, generally to people who identify themselves as anything other than straight.

Just to clarify, there are now 7 recognised types of sexuality, covering a very wide spectrum;

Heterosexuality-  Is the sexual attraction between members of the opposite sexes  such as man attracts to woman and woman attracts to man sexually.
Homosexuality- is the sexual attraction between members of the same sexes such as man to man and woman to woman.sexually.
Bisexuality- Is the sexual attraction to both the opposite and same sexes such as man to man and man to woman, woman to woman and woman to man.
Asexuality- Is also known as nonsexuality which is the lack of sexual attraction and sexual interest towards others.
Polysexuality-  Is the sexual attraction to more than one gender but do not wish to be known as bisexual as it implies that their are only two binary sexes, do not confuse this with pansexuality (Pan meaning All) and (Poly meaning many).
Pansexuality- Is the sexual attraction towards people regardless of gender also known as omnisexuality, some pansexuals refer to themselves as gender blind as to them gender is  insignificant in determining whether they will be sexually attracted to others.
Transexualism - Is when a person identifies themselves with a physical sex that is different to their own biological one, A medical diagnosis can be made if a person experiences discomfort as a result of a desire to be a member of the opposite sex. for example a person may be born male, and is uncomfortable with their gender as a male  and changes to a female, or a female may change to a male. It is a long process that they will go through and an expensive one too.

There is so much pressure at the moment within society to know what sexuality you are, and to assign it a label, and the truth of the matter, is that some people simply aren't ready to explore their sexuality.

No two people are the same, they never will be, they will not think the same, feel the same, they will not be the same, so why is everybody expected to like the same people and act the same way?

It is a common misconception that people who are not heterosexual have a choice about their sexuality, and choose to like the same gender as themselves or deviate from the social norm in an apparent bid for attention or to appear individual.

If a heterosexual man were to be asked when they decided that they like women, then they would generally answer slightly confused with answers like "I just did" "It's nature", why is any other sexuality different?

Whoever one person likes or does not like, they are still a human being, they are still a person, everybody has different likes, dislikes, feelings and emotions, but just because one person's feelings differs from yours does not make them any more or less valid.
Emotions and feelings are what make us human, they are part of our make up, who's right is it to say to one group of people you cannot feel this way about another person?
It's not breaking the law, it's not pedophilia, it's not illegal, it's just one human being feeling an attraction to another, nobody is hurt, no more than an average relationship.

Society has formed a hierarchy because we have allowed it to do so, and with this formed different members of society, those who perceive themselves as high on the social scale see themselves fit to make judgments upon other members of society. If a person is genuinely determined to form an opinion on another person then they should not voice them and cause a person to feel like their views and feelings make them any less of a person than anybody else, being gay, or being any sexuality does not make you any different to any other person, more or less superior.

A person can choose what they do, and how they behave, but not how they feel, and people need to remember that, a gay man may choose to have sex with a woman, but he cannot help but feel attracted to other men. People claim to choose to be straight, but generally this is because they perceive being heterosexual as an accepted norm and consider themselves as having a choice.

Feeling attracted to somebody is emotions, you cannot blame somebody for their emotions, you wouldn't tell somebody they have no right to feel sad, or happy, or angry.

People with anger issues have no choice about feeling angry, however they make choices regarding their behavior, a person can feel however they want to feel, nobody has the right to judge them for it.

Today we live in a society where everything is wrong, whatever you do you are being constantly judged by different areas within society, you can't do right for doing wrong nowadays.
Society is so diverse with such a wide spectrum of views and opinions that even if you please the majority there will still be people who don't agree with your feelings, behaviors, mannerisms, there is always somebody who thinks they know right.

As we develop as a culture, freedom of speech is encouraged and opinions are advocated, however appropriateness and mindfulness has not yet been entirely mastered among all, people need to start speaking up, because most of the time, ignorant comments are made simply through lack of education about the topic.

At the end of the day, gay, straight, bisexual, transgender, we are all equal human, we all feel, we all hurt, and we all love who we love, not one person has a right to judge whether you love a man or a woman, and hopefully over time society won't use the blanket term of acceptance as PC homophobic action, maybe one day society will just accept us for who we are, not what we are.

Thursday, 9 January 2014

What is Freedom?

I recently read an article which questioned where did freedom begin and end, and what were the limitations of freedom to us, as human beings.

"Freedom is the right to speech and free will" "Freedom is upon us all"

What actually constitutes freedom in society today?
Is it the freedom to go where we want? Maybe, as long as it is not within the prohibited areas defined for us.
Is it the freedom to say what we want ? Sure, so long as it does not offend anybody or breach the rules.

The freedom we have, is the freedom we are given, clue to that being the concept given.
A certain amount of freedom has to be given to members of society to stop outbreak, rioting and all out chaos,  and within any society there has to be a social hierarchy allowing for different privileges to be presented dependent upon social positioning and equity, with further options to  increase freedom e.g. using money to bribe officers within the federal departments.
In today's world it's a rich mans game, money is power, and the two buy everything.
Why is it that footballers have more money than they could ever possibly need, yet the soldiers that go out and risk their lives, sometimes lose them, aren't paid a tuppence, how is that right? How is that fair?
Somebody can go out, risk their life for 2 years, come back home with mental scars that even the best therapists cannot diminish, and have recognition for what, the first 5 minutes, then it's "get on with life lads", move on, get a job and work hard just to even get by.
How can that be justified when some footballers can earn £200,000 a week, some up to £326,000 a week, when this is more than the price of the average house, infact it is the price of the average house, and the one next door.
How is it acceptable for somebody to earn so much for, in effect, kicking a ball around, having immediate medical care at their disposal if god forbid they trip over, have a fan base of millions with thousands of people congratulating them and presenting them recognition for the brilliant job they do. ( Again, kicking a ball around).

Come on society, get a grip.

This is a prime example of freedom, everybody argues that there is freedom to change the wages that everybody is presented with, but at the end of the day, is there? Are people going to just take it with a pinch of salt if wages are drastically cut from one end of society and reassigned to the other?
I don't think so.
Our society is conditioned, it is formulated the way in which the people at the top desire.
Society is like a very clever architecturally designed building, held up by a lot of beams which are supporting all of the levels above.
The bottom levels and beams need to be there, they support the top, but no matter what level you're on, if any of the beams go, the whole building comes crashing down.

We are all just sociological test subjects for the government, they don't actually care about us, not as people, as a statistic yes, but on a 1-2-1 basis, we are just the same as every Tom, Dick & Harry.

I know exactly how that sounds, psychotic delusional controversialist,  absolutely not, have you never heard of the term "making an example".

There can be 15 people who all commit the same crime, then number 16 might be the example, numbers 1-15 have not being sufficiently put off the crimes by the punishments, so if number 16 is given a harsher punishment, then potential numbers 17-30 might not actually commit crimes.

The government see this as an effective crime control manner, they don't actually think about how number 16 feels, being the one treated differently and unfairly, yes they may have committed a crime, which is bad, yes, but the other 1-15 weren't treated that way, but hey, who cares so long as it helps government statistics.

Now, this might be controversial, but this is completely from a factual perspective here.

Racism is a crime, and fairly so, the official definition of racism is as follows;
the belief that all members of each race possess characteristics, abilities, or qualities specific to that race, especially so as to distinguish it as inferior or superior to another race or races.

We are all equal as people, and there are certain words which cause a lot of offence to different groups within society;
"White Trash"
All of these are offensive racist terms, used to offend different groups, nationalities and members of society.
I completely agree that all of these are offensive and should not be allowed, there is no question about this.
However, there are so many songs which are in the charts, public eye that use offensive racist slang, Jay Z is a very popular a well respect artist, however he has a song called "Nigga what, Nigga who",  the term nigga is generally used to offend people skin is black, therefore it is perceived as socially acceptable for a black person to sing a song which uses the word "Nigga" in it, because they are within the ethnic group most likely to be offended and are therefore considered as advocating it.
I don't think that's quite right, it's actually ludicrous because whether it offends them or not, it still offends other people within the black community.
One overweight person may enjoy making jokes and calling them self offensive names and making light of it, however what one person may find amusing, another person can find highly offensive and upsetting.

The same applies to racial terms.

If a person with white skin would be to sing a song with the word "Nigga" in it, then were would be a major outcry, and a kick off among people, how on earth is this any different?

Both cases are offensive, so why is it seen to be acceptable for one group of society to have different rules to another, because does that not suggest that they are more superior, which is therefore a form of racism.

Freedom of speech? So long as it's within the laws?
Laws? Only apply to some?

We just have the freedom that we are given.